Why choose a business school in Spain?

FEEduc gives a voice to business students in Spain

Looking for a business school for higher education?

Discover in a unique and exclusive way what a business school in Spain can do for you!

In a different videoconference, you'll hear about the experiences of current and former business school students in Spain.

DATE: Tuesday, April 2

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Location: Videoconference

 On the program:

  • Testimonials from students and alumni of the following business schools: ESIC, ESADE, UEM, Rey Juan Carlos
  • Meeting hosted by FEEduc, experts in Spanish studies for over 10 years
  • Focus on the student experience, career opportunities, advantages and disadvantages of studying at a business school in Spain

If you'd like to discover the world of business schools in Spain, register using the form on this page.




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