Disappointed by your Parcoursup results?

The solution is to stay positive and think about other ways of continuing your higher education.

Disappointed by your Parcoursup results One solution, stay positive and think about other solutions to pursue your higher education.

We have a few ideas for you: a gap year, studying in Spain...

Parcoursup, France's post-bac admission platform, can sometimes generate disappointment among students who don't get the results they were hoping for. However, it's essential not to get discouraged and to face this situation with positivity. In this article we'll share with you some advice on how to deal with this disappointment and bounce back to a promising future.

It's perfectly normal to feel disappointed, frustrated or even sad after receiving negative results or not getting your preferred choices on Parcoursup. Give yourself a moment to feel and express these emotions. Talking to your loved ones, your teachers or a guidance counselor can also help you to free yourself and find support.

Take the time to analyze the possible reasons behind your disappointing results. Identify the selection criteria used by the programs to which you applied. Study your grades, your motivational training plan, and compare them with the admission criteria of the courses. This will help you understand whether you have any specific gaps or weaknesses to work on.

Take advantage of this situation to take stock of your real skills, interests and motivations. Identify the areas in which you excel and those in which you are passionate.

This will enable you to better orient your training choices and establish a solid career plan.

The help of a guidance professional will save you time and make you more efficient.

Parcoursup is not the only route to higher education. Find out about the alternatives available to you, such as parallel admissions, apprenticeships, private schools, or studying abroad. There are many ways to achieve your goals, even outside Parcoursup. Did you know, for example, that most studies offered in Spain are of very high quality, allow you to work in France afterwards and are more easily accessible than in France...and you find the sun there as a bonus 🙂

A guidance counselor is a professional trained to help you make the right choices. Make an appointment with a guidance counsellor in your school, in an information and guidance center (CIO) or with a private sector professional. He or she will be able to help you think about your options, suggest alternatives adapted to your profile, and guide you towards training that corresponds to your aspirations.

Once you've identified your interests and explored the various alternatives, draw up a clear plan of action to achieve your goals.

Set yourself realistic short- and long-term goals, and determine the steps you need to take to reach them. This will keep you motivated and on track. Don't hesitate to contact us to see if your project is feasible in Spain.

Being disappointed by your results on Parcoursup can be a difficult experience. But it's what you do with it, beyond your disappointment, that's important.

It is, for example, possible to consider a gap year. But what is a gap year?

A gap year is a one-year break between the end of your secondary education and the start of your higher education studies. It's an opportunity to devote yourself to enriching experiences that will enable you to develop new skills, gain maturity and better define your future project.

How can I make the most of my gap year?

A gap year gives you the opportunity to explore different areas of interest to you. You can do internships, volunteer work or travel abroad to discover new cultures or learn the language, broaden your horizons and develop new skills. This will enable you to get to know yourself better, define your values and aspirations, and refine your career plan.

During your gap year, you can devote time to acquiring new skills that will be useful in your graduate studies and future career. You could take courses, participate in personal projects, develop language, artistic, IT or entrepreneurial skills. This period can be an opportunity to improve in specific areas and stand out in future job applications.

A gap year allows you to step back from the pressures and expectations of higher education.

You'll be able to think deeply about your direction, your passions and your goals.

This time of reflection will help you make informed decisions about the training and career paths that best match your aspirations.

If you've been disappointed by your results on Parcoursup, a gap year can give you the opportunity to strengthen your academic record.

You can take additional courses, prepare for exams or take certifications to improve your results and increase your chances of getting into the courses that interest you.

A gap year allows you to gain in maturity and life experience.

You'll be confronted with new situations, challenges and responsibilities that will contribute to your personal development. This experience will make you more confident and better prepared to tackle your higher education studies.


FEEDUC's advice in +.

Doing a gap year can therefore be an excellent option for students disappointed by their results on Parcoursup. It offers a unique opportunity to discover yourself, strengthen your skills and take a step back before committing to higher education. Take advantage of this year to explore, learn and grow, so that you come back with a clearer vision of your academic and professional path.

We have many options for you to consider when planning your gap year in Spain. Take a look and contact us so we can advise you and help you bounce back.



Contact us as soon as possible and let's start working together on your project!

The sooner you have access to information, the longer you will have to prepare yourself and the better prepared you will be to succeed in your studies in Spain !

It is never too early to have time to prepare for admission, especially by doing a gap year.

It's also in the preparation that FEEDUC brings you its real added value.

What about September? Later will be too late.... Register as soon as possible on the FEEDUC website to start receiving support and access to the best individual advice for your study project in Spain.

It's our presence in the field that makes FEEDUC: we know what we're talking about, and we only talk about what we know.


We hope you've found it useful, and please feel free to share it if you think it might be of use to others?

E-Mail: info@feeduc.eu

Facebook: Francespagne.Education / Twitter: @francespagne

Instagram: @francespagne_education and @etudier.en.espagne

LinkedIn : FEEDUC

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See you soon!

Opportunities and preparation for your studies in Spain? FEEDUC of course!


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