Assistance from FEEDUC to study in Spain


FEEDUC can help you study in Spain. What will this change for your study project in Spain?

What will this not change in your journey to become a student in Spain?

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What is FEEDUC?

We are a private organization that has specialized for more than 10 years in assisting students who have obtained their baccalaureate in the French educational system and who wish to continue their higher education in Spain.

Nathalie Sanchez, the founder of FEEDUC, first accompanied her son in his studies (he wanted to be a physiotherapist). They both had a few advantages over you today, as they had lived in Madrid for over 10 years.

They were therefore bilingual and Nathalie Sanchez had been in charge of the French examination service in Spain. She organized the bac and the brevet for the students of the French high schools located in Spain and Portugal. This also allowed her to know perfectly the articulation between the French school system and the Spanish university system.

After building her son's project, she was approached by friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends... in short, and so to meet the demands made of her, she decided to reorient her professional activity and create FEEDUC.


Today, FEEDUC has grown into a team of professionals who complement each other and, above all, are present in the field and are the best people to help you with your higher education projects in Spain:

  1. First of all, there is Clément, thefirst to join the adventure. He knows your needs as a future expatriate because he himself lived in Ireland and now lives in Madrid, where he has always worked in the field of Education, among others, at the European University of Madrid. He is certainly one of the best experts on higher education in Spain in the world, including Spain.
  2. Caroline then joined the adventure. She has been living in Valencia since she was 2 years old and after starting her higher education in Spain, she experienced the student expatriation in Ireland. She has experienced what you are about to experience and will be able to give you the best advice to make the most of your studies outside your country. She knows the university sector in Spain perfectly and has worked at the European University of Valencia.
FEEDUC support

Then Samiha and Lucia joined the team.

    • Samiha spent her childhood as an expatriate, moving from country to country (including Spain) and she joined the team after working with us from one of our partners, April International, a company specialized in health insurance for expatriates, especially students. Expatriation is her expertise.
    • Lucia, the "native" Spaniard of the team, also knows about expatriation because she studied at the French high school in New York. She also understands your expectations and needs, and will be able to meet them because she studied in Madrid and was also in charge of admissions at the European University in Madrid.


As you can see, the strength of this team is the knowledge of your needs and of the field, and this is what allows us to understand you and to advise you in the best way for your study project in Spain.

The project of our students is what is really important! It will not be delegated to anyone, neither to a secretarial service nor to interns, you will only deal with a member of the team who will share with you our knowledge of the field in which we are present, in Spain, permanently.

  • University fees: you pay exactly the same price whether you apply with or without FEEDUC support, and whether you are French or Spanish.
  • The implementation of the project: We are here to advise you, according to your profile, but it is always you who, with our support, will implement the different steps. Taking the necessary steps yourself allows you to project yourself, little by little and in stages, into your future life as a student in Spain. This is a very important factor in the success of your future studies. It is very important to have help in order not to forget anything and to do everything correctly.
  • Freedom of decision: Our experience allows us to give you a professional opinion, always sincere, on your project and it is you who decides on the actions (to continue, to choose, to abandon, to postpone).

We will not decide for you, we will not try to influence you, we are here to inform you. Our role is to be by your side, in all circumstances and in all decisions, on the way to the success of your studies in Spain.

  • FEEDUC selects its partner universities in Spain on the sole criterion of teaching quality.
  • You won't miss the 4 fundamentals: What to do (admission process, registration and administrative procedures), with what timetable (agenda on the home page of the site and on the pages of the universities), why and how to do it (admission process, registration and administrative procedures).
  • You save time because we gather all the information on admissions, registration and administrative procedures and update it continuously on the site.
  • You have full access to the website. You'll find all the general answers, all the processes you need to implement, for every phase of your project.
    You'll have access to price lists, school calendars, tutorials and guides to help you fill in your documents and finalize certain administrative procedures such as the credencial (MANDATORY validation of the baccalaureate to enter a university in Spain).
    The FEEDUC site has been designed for optimized, comfortable use on all media (computer, tablet, phone) wherever you are. It is updated continuously, and whenever a new decision is taken by a university or administration (change of fees, modification of an admission or enrolment process, new documents to be completed).
  • You will benefit from a personalized video interview at the beginning of the coaching. This allows us to analyze your profile, to understand your project and to give you, in all sincerity, the advice that we think is the most appropriate for you.
    We will analyze your strengths and identify the points you can work on to make your project and your studies in Spain a success.
  • Before being sent to the universities, your application and registration files are checked and registered.
    This ensures that they are complete and compliant and therefore will be considered by the university concerned.
  • You have access to technical support for submitting applications and registering once you have been admitted, as well as for your administrative procedures(credencial: mandatory validation of the baccalaureate).
  • University entrance test fees (up to 200 euros) are sometimes offered by the universities to students who are supported in their project by FEEDUC.
  • For several years now, universities have been organizing open days especially for students supported by FEEDUC.
    In principle, these take place every year during the February vacation for at least 2 zones. If you're not available for these group meetings, we'll organize your visit individually, according to your availability.
  • You have access to individual support by e-mail, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (average response time under 3 hours), from which you can obtain all the answers to your questions.
    A single e-mail address is available for this purpose:
  • You will receive notifications of important dates and events via WhatsApp and a monthly newsletter that will be sent to you via email.
    The latter will summarize the necessary and important information for your project at different times of the year (Spanish level, certification of Spanish level, admissions, enrollment, etc...).
  • You have our social networks, Facebook(page and group, our Instagram pages (francespagne_education and study.en.espagne) and LinkedIn which are updated daily. We share all the useful, important, urgent information and all the good tips.
    4 students also take turns to share their daily life as students in Spain on Sunday evenings throughout the year.
  • You can benefit from an exchange program with student volunteers already studying in Spain.
  • You can join the FEEDUC student community through the private Facebook groups we offer to students enrolled in a university. We propose and manage these groups for each of the private universities we have selected in Spain.
    They come alive on a daily basis through the sharing of information we post there: welcome days, meetings on campus, information meetings on returning to France to practice, good plans and activities at your university or in the city where it is located, sites to discover in the region, etc...
    They also live on the free exchanges that students can have with each other: flat-sharing, information, car-pooling, good deals, etc...
  • You benefit from the networks of Nathalie, Caroline, Lucía, Samiha and Clément.
    These are the networks that they have built up over many years in the field in Spain and that they can now put at the service of your project.
  • You will be able to participate in weekly interactive information workshops, by videoconference or face-to-face in many cities in France (depending on health constraints).
  • You will be able to participate in the higher education fairs in Spain that we organize in several cities in France and by videoconference.
  • You can download the Guide for students in Spain.
  • You have access, every week, on Monday evening at 6:00 pm, to a direct line in video during which you can ask all your questions

FEEDUC's extra advice for your studies in Spain: LISTEN TO WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY!

After more than 10 years of existence :

This is to prove to those who don't know us yet that, although we are not perfect, we know what we are talking about when we talk about higher education in Spain, whether it is to study in a public university, in a private university or to give you more general information about administrative procedures or housing for example.

Sometimes we will give you information or advice that you may not want to follow and maybe you will be right, maybe you will be wrong, but if we share it with you it is because we sincerely believe that it is important for you to have access to this information.

Once you've been informed, you'll be able to decide whether or not this information is of interest to you, whether or not you want to take it on board, and above all, you'll know what it may entail...isn't it said that an informed man (and we'd add woman too) is worth 2?!



Contact us as soon as possible and let's start working together on your project!

The sooner you have access to information, the longer you will have to prepare yourself and the better prepared you will be to succeed in your studies in Spain !

It is never too early to have time to prepare for admission, especially by doing a gap year.

It's also in the preparation that FEEDUC brings you its real added value.

What about September? Later will be too late.... Register as soon as possible on the FEEDUC website to start receiving support and access to the best individual advice for your study project in Spain.

It's our presence in the field that makes FEEDUC: we know what we're talking about, and we only talk about what we know.


We hope you've found it useful, and please feel free to share it if you think it might be of use to others?


Facebook: Francespagne.Education / Twitter: @francespagne

Instagram: @francespagne_education and @etudier.en.espagne

LinkedIn : FEEDUC

You Tube (more than 100 videos!) : HERE

See you soon!

Opportunities and preparation for your studies in Spain? FEEDUC of course!


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