Important reminders


The credencial that validates your Baccalaureate and some important points.

All admission processes for students at our partner universities in Spain are complete or almost complete. All registration processes for those who will start their studies in September 2017 are underway. So it's also time for some quick reminders.

How to apply for a credencial?

Congratulations on obtaining your bachelor's degree!

You are wondering what to do to validate your bachelor's degree so that you can study in Spain and finalize your enrollment in the university to which you have been admitted.

Just read and follow the instructions on the credencial on our website.

You can access it from the administrative procedures section.

3 simple steps:

  1. We will create your file online.
  2. You will finalize the validation on the website of the organization in charge of the credencial, the UNED, and send them the documents.
  3. The university in which you are enrolling will collect your credencial directly from UNED.

Some important reminders about universities in Spain and how they work, especially at the administrative level!

Maybe you didn't read the very first article we published in January in the news or maybe you have forgotten its we are going to come back on "some" points that will avoid you "some" useless frustrations and annoyances J

The university you have chosen to apply to is a Spanish company. Its culture and processes are not the same as those you have experienced in France in your approach to the education sector.

Do you want notifications for completed processes? If they are not foreseen by the processes and will not reach you! If they are foreseen by the processes they will sometimes reach you late...very late...very, very late L

In most cases, universities in Spain will only contact you if your documents have not reached the recipient or if fundamental documents are missing from your file.

This will stress you out (especially if your parents are adding to it), to a greater or lesser extent, (especially if you or your parents have already committed money).

You will multiply the steps (by email, phone, messenger...), multiply the reminders (by email, phone, messenger...) but you will not get what you expect (a written, dated and signed document) because sending a confirmation is not foreseen in the process.

Sometimes you will receive an email that will give you information (login and password for example) that proves that your file has been registered or processed, but not always. These identifiers and passwords will often not be active before the beginning of the school year.

You will certainly never receive mail and rarely receive phone calls.

On the other hand, read your emails every day (and check your SPAMS). This way, you will not lose any information or essential reminders that may have caused some students to lose their place in the past. Checking your emails should really become a daily reflex.

Spanish universities have a different organization and administrative management than the one you can know in France:

  • You will be notified that a registration package will be sent by mail in mid-June... and you will receive a registration package by email in mid-July...
  • You will want a school certificate "as in France" and it will be "as in Spain", if you want a specific document in French or "as in France", you will not be able to have it or it will be paid like many specific requests and still sometimes you will simply not have the document requested because it is not provided.

What do France and Spain have in common?
A certificate of attendance cannot legally be issued to a student before the start of the school year!
Don't focus on what you can't get: adapt.

Don't waste your time and energy trying to change the universities you've chosen: take the advantages they provide and accept them along with what you consider the disadvantages.

See you soon!

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