Reform of access to physiotherapy studies: how to study in France from 2020


A few weeks ago we wrote an article on the modalities, PASS and L.AS which will replace the PACES.
The access to study physiotherapy was not mentioned then, the texts then specified the modes of access only for medicine, maïeutics, odontology and pharmacy.

Want to know a little more?

The opening of the PARCOURSUP platform on Friday, December 20th has finally allowed us to know a little more and to propose this article to help you understand a little better what are your different options for accessing studies, in France, to become a physiotherapist.

To avoid repeating information you may have already read in one of our recent FEEDUC blog articles on the reform of access to health studies in Francewe invite our readers who may not have read it to refer to it for a glossary of all the acronyms and abbreviations used below.

The 4 access channels to physiotherapy studies in France

The PASS (health major), is one of the possible options to access health studies.

  • Be sure to check that the PASS you are requesting allows access to physiotherapy studies and in which IFMK when you submit your request in the health portal on PARCOURSUP.
  • The student can only apply to the IFMK if he/she has validated his/her PASS, i.e. if he/she has obtained the average in all subjects.
  • Access to physical therapy studies would be based (at least in large part) on grades obtained during the PASS.
  • A student who validates all the subjects of his or her PASS but is not admitted to the IFMK may reapply after at least one additional year in the L2 corresponding to the elective courses of his or her PASS.
  • A student who has not validated all the UE of his or her PASS must reorient himself or herself on PARCOUSUP the following year and will not be able to request a PASS again.

The L.AS (health minor), is another possible option to access physical therapy studies.

  • This is a degree in a field other than health (science and technology, law, economics and management, literature, chemistry, physics, psychology, etc.), but which includes health-related courses. This is also called a license with a health minor.
  • Be sure to check that the L.AS you are applying for allows access to physiotherapy studies and in which IFMK.
  • The student can only apply to the IFMK if he/she has validated his/her L.AS, i.e. if he/she has obtained the average in all subjects.
  • Access to physical therapy studies would be based (at least in large part) on grades obtained during the L.AS.
  • A student who validates all the subjects of his or her L.AS but is not admitted to an IFMK may reapply after at least one additional year in L2.
  • Students who have not validated all the UE of their L.AS must reorient themselves on PARCOUSUP the following year.
  • The student can only apply to the IFMK if he/she has validated his/her first year of the biology degree, i.e. if he/she has obtained the average in all subjects.
  • Access to physiotherapy studies would be based (at least in large part) on the grades obtained during the biology degree.
  • A student who has not validated all the UE of his or her biology license can re-enroll in the biology license or reorient himself or herself through PARCOUSUP the following year.
  • The student can only apply to the IFMK if he/she has validated his/her 1st year of STAPS, i.e. if he/she has obtained the average in all the subjects.
  • Access to physiotherapy studies would be based (at least in large part) on the grades obtained during the STAPS license.
  • Students who have not validated all the UE of their STAPS license can re-enroll in STAPS or reorient themselves through PARCOUSUP the following year

Some advice in this new context of access to physiotherapy studies in France?

When you fill in your wishes on PARCOURSUP (between January 22 and March 12, 2020), you must check the "openings" for the options you have chosen in order to make sure that they allow you to enter an IFMK and in which institute.

Please note! There are big differences in price from one IFMK to another. They vary from a few hundred euros to almost 10,000 euros per year in others.

According to the information available, the grades obtained during the first year at the university should be the major component in the choice of admission. It is therefore important to choose your pathway carefully in order to try to get the best grades possible during your first year of university.

In this context, we will advise each student who wants to become a physiotherapist to identify his or her strong points and to choose post-baccalaureate courses that will allow him or her to capitalize on these strong points.
The student who wants to become a physiotherapist and is interested and has strong points in the field of sports should rather apply in STAPS, the one who is particularly brilliant or has a particular interest for biology could prefer an L1 in this degree.

Students who have a taste and specific aptitudes in another field (chemistry, psychology, eco-management, etc.) may prefer a PASS with a disciplinary option in that field or an L.AS in that field if it includes a health minor allowing access to an IFMK.

These 4 choices have in common the need to work hard because access to physiotherapy studies will continue to be selective.

A strong motivation and a validation of the project beforehand is therefore necessary.

We therefore advise you to work in depth on who you are and what you want to become.

This in-depth orientation work will also give you the opportunity to know your strong points, those that will help you build the project that will lead you to the profession you have chosen and for which you are made. The one that will allow you to have the best grades and therefore more chances to integrate an IFMK.

In this context, is Spain still an interesting option?

This training of physiotherapist in Spain is and remains an interesting option because it is, in most universities, a training of a very high quality.

We remind you once again that, unlike in some other countries, even in Europe, private universities in Spain are under the institutional control of the Spanish State.
When they are authorized to issue state diplomas, which is mandatory to practice in the health field, they accept this control and cannot deviate from it at the risk of losing this authorization to issue the diploma of physiotherapy.

These 4 ways of accessing physiotherapy studies in France are also, especially for senior students who are not quite sure of their project or not yet very mature, an excellent preparation and an excellent confrontation with the reality of what higher education is.

Let's remember that studying physical therapy in Spain is not easier than studying physical therapy in France:.

  • Students receive similar instruction...but in a language that is not their native tongue!
  • High school and university students who do not have a sufficient level of Spanish to be admitted to a university in Spain will be able to test their motivation during their first post-baccalaureate year in France.
  • They will be able to take Spanish courses in addition to their first year of university studies in France and will thus be able to open up access to physiotherapy studies in Spain.

For all those who have a project to study in Spain for 2020, what to do? Contact us as soon as possible and let's start working together on your project!

It's also in the preparation that FEEDUC brings you its real added value.

It's our presence in the field that makes FEEDUC: we know what we're talking about, and we only talk about what we know.

You can contact us for any question


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