For those of you who have been admitted to a Spanish university and already have a high school diploma,

You are probably wondering how to obtain the Credencial UNED.

As a reminder, the Credencial UNED is the document that certifies your high school diploma in Spain and gives you a Spanish grade. The Credencial is mandatory if you want to study in Spain.

  • Who issues the Credencial?

The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, better known as UNED, issues this document.

  • Is it the same process for everyone?

No. Depending on the university you have decided to study at, the process will differ. But we can separate the universities into two groups. There are those that ask you for the Credencial and those that do it for you.

  • Which universities handle the Credencial application process?

The Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC) and the CEU San Pablo will take care of the procedures for you. So if you are studying, for example, Physiotherapy at CEU, you don't need to go through us to do the paperwork. Contact the universities directly.

This does not mean that you do not have to do anything. You will need to send your certified documents to the appropriate universities instead of sending them to UNED.

  • Is it free?

CEU San Pablo includes the Credencial service in its "Welcome pack". It will cost you 350€. Of course, there are other services that will be offered to you. Consult them directly for details.

At UCJC, the service to obtain the Credencial is free. They have not yet published the details of this service but you will need to give them the documents to make the Credencial. Please pay attention to the information we publish, especially on our Facebook page.

  • What about other universities in Spain?

Are you studying kinesiology at the UEM, dentistry at the UEV, audiology at the UEM, or physiotherapy at the UFV? They are among the universities that do not manage the Credencial UNED for you. Here is the complete list of universities involved:

  • UFV
  • EMU
  • VU
  • UEC
  • UCAM
  • UEMC
  • USJ

If you are a future student of these universities, you must present the Credencial to them before the beginning of the school year at the latest.

Then you can count on FEEDUC to help you, at no extra cost (except for UNED fees)!

Check our site for details.

  • Are there any other recommendations?

Our first recommendation is to fill in your application form and pay attention to the important details: ID number, email address, phone numbers... If the email or ID number you send us is wrong, you will have problems later to get the document.

Also important: the information you need to provide is that of the students, not the parents.

Finally, if you don't have your baccalaureate yet, wait until July and the publication of the results before starting the process. There is no rush... for now!

See you soon!

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