What is the status of the admission process in Spain?


Spanish universities are beginning to publish their admission processes for dental, physical therapy, architecture and business programs.

So, we take a look at the latest information you have about your future studies in Spain.

UEM : Universidad Europea de Madrid

The 2018/2019 admissions processes will open on January 15, 2018. So you have plenty of time!

Some courses have special processes. This is the case of dental in Spanish and English but also of physiotherapy in French.

Please note! You will not be able to apply for different courses (e.g. dental in English and Spanish) or for different campuses of the Universidad Europea (e.g. Madrid and Valencia). You will have to make a choice.

You will need to complete an application and follow the admissions process available on our website.

We'll need to send everything to info@feeduc.eu.

But don't be in a hurry. The first recruitment session ends in March!

For those interested in all other EMU programs, admissions processes will be published in January.

So for all those interested in EMU, all the information is here.

UFV: Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

At UFV, you will need to prove a B1 level of Spanish. This can be done either by an official diploma (DELE, SIELE...) or by taking their Spanish test on site by appointment.

You must also send us your application and follow the admission process, also available on our website.

We'll need to send everything to info@feeduc.eu

Once again, your grades and level of Spanish will be the determining factors.

But there is no rush for now and prepare yourself well to have all your chances to integrate this university.

CEU San Pablo

At CEU San Pablo, you can also already apply for 2018. Simply refer to our admissions process available on our website.

You will need to take a variety of tests, details of which can be found on our admissions process. But again, your grades and level of Spanish will be the determining factor.

A B1 level in the language of the program is mandatory. If you can certify your level with an official diploma (DELE, SIELE...), it is even better.

Please contact us at info@feeduc.eu to start the CEU process.


  • What about other Spanish universities?

If you are interested in applying to UAX, UEMC, UCAM, UEV or other partner universities, we will keep you informed via news or our Facebook page.

  • Are we late?

Many of you are asking us if they are behind in processes. As you can see, the processes that are opening the earliest are opening in mid-January. So you are on schedule. Those of you who filled out an application before will have to do it again because the admission criteria have changed. So the saying "There's no point in running, you have to start on time" applies to the admissions process at Spanish universities.

Take the time to prepare, read the admissions process carefully and you'll see that you have time!

  • What if the university I am interested in is not listed?

If we haven't mentioned the university you're interested in, please don't hesitate to contact us for more information. As always, write to us at info@feeduc.eu.

  • Can I go there?

Of course, you can go and visit and take the tests. It is even highly recommended. To do so, contact us and we will let you know the dates of the open house or simply make an appointment.

  • Any last words of advice?

Prepare yourself well in Spanish. This is often the only thing you can change between now and the opening of the admissions process. And it is often a very important criterion in your admission. So to prepare yourself, check out our section dedicated to Spanish language skills.

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