replacement physiotherapy Gargas 84400 Vaucluse Provence



Announcement published on

Dates really flexible, I adapt (later in the winter or early end, propose! )
It is possible to attack the replacement even in November! From November 12 to 23 or even from November 12 to March!
Office of 4 physiotherapists, excellent understanding and mutual aid. Between 2 to 3 physiotherapists at the same time in the office)
Very varied patient base and activity (from babies to the elderly, sportsmen, traumatology,...), warm and friendly atmosphere
Homes with IK mountain
Organization, schedules, work density: free to the replacement
I don't do osteo or urology but I can do it (urological electrotherapy equipment with biofeedback)
Bright, spacious, 5 rooms (adjustable tables and massage chair)
Large gym (bikes, pulleys, espaliers, vibrating platform, pressotherapy, electro, US, Bemer,
medical center, parking
5 min from Apt, 50min Avignon/Aix/Manosque, 1h20 Marseille, near sea and mountain,...
Nature immediate, magnificent environment, dynamic village
Photos and information on request


Name : chauvin jade
E-mail :
Phone : +33683937848

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