Studying in Spain means living in Spain

for 4 years or more depending on your course of study

To stay in Spain, you need a resident card, the NIE.

What is the NIE?

This is the identification number for foreigners. It is obligatory to reside in Spain for more than 3 months, even if you are from the European Union.

Where can I find information about the NIE?

We have of course a section on our site about this. We invite you to consult this link.

Is it easy to do the NIE without help?

This is clearly not an easy process, even if you have a good command of the Spanish language. If your level is not very high, it can be a real headache.

Can I take the steps to obtain the NIE before school starts?

No. In order to obtain the NIE, a series of documents will be required, including proof of registration at the university, which will only be issued to you at the beginning of the school year. You will only be able to do this in September.

Is it a problem to be a minor to get the NIE?

No, this is not a problem. But the legal guardian will have to be present for the meeting at the police station in Spain. So plan this trip if your child is not yet 18 years old.

Is it so important to have the NIE?

Maybe you know people who have been studying dentistry, veterinary or physiotherapy in Spain for a few years and still don't have the NIE. Obviously, the police will not put you in jail if you cannot present it. But respecting the laws of the country that welcomes you is necessarily a good thing. And above all, having the NIE will facilitate many procedures. You will need it to obtain certain papers for your return to France. And when it is urgent to have it, it will be a source of stress and problems that you can easily avoid by taking the necessary steps as soon as you arrive.

How do I get the NIE and the resident card and who can help me?

We work with the law firm Prol&Asociados which is a French speaking law firm located in Madrid but which works all over Spain. They will be of great help to you in this process but also for any type of legal service. You can find their contact information on this link.

Here is a presentation of the firm and especially some good advice on how to get your EIN!

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