Studying in Spain : Practical guide


Do you feel that Spain could be the solution for your university studies?

Whatever the field you are looking to train in: health sciences(dental, physiotherapy, pharmacy, podiatry, veterinary, etc.), architecture, business, engineering, etc... excellent solutions are offered in Spain but you don't know where to start? Do you want to go it alone? Do you need to be accompanied by an organization?

How to choose it?

You will need to develop a strategy that will depend on your profile, your Spanish skills, your academic performance, the family support you have, the time you or your family can devote to it, and the autonomy you want to have.

There are two possible scenarios:

Do you want to go it alone?
You prefer to be accompanied by an organization but then, how to choose it?
  • You don't need anyone to accompany you in your study project in Spain:

It is quite possible, some students every year manage to look for information and register alone in a university in Spain.

For some, this poses little or no difficulty.

For others it is a little more complicated, because of the difficulties of access to university staff at certain times of the year, but they eventually manage to do so.

FEEDUC's two pieces of advice before you set off on your own to study in Spain:

  1. Go to the universities as early as possible and as often as necessary (admission and registration phases at least). You will get to know the people you will be dealing with and this will considerably lighten the university administrative procedures that you will have to carry out as part of your project.
  2. Make sure you don't want to take advantage of some exclusive services offered by a coaching organization:
  • Training programs in Spanish on specific vocabulary (e.g. health sciences),
  • Discount codes on agency fees for a rental,
  • Free entrance test fees for some universities when they can cost up to 150 euros if you take the test directly.
  • Access to open houses organized exclusively by an organization,
  • Support and advice on administrative procedures ("credencial" validation of the baccalaureate, resident card, health coverage...),
  • Access to private Facebook groups to share among a community of students from the same university in Spain.
  • Access to information meetings on the legal provisions for exercising certain professions (e.g. physiotherapists) in France.
  • Access to job offers,
  • Etc...

If you are sure that you have no need or interest in these services then feel free to go it alone.

If you are not sure whether or not to use these services, use an organization to send your file to the university you have chosen in Spain and then use only the services offered by that organization that interest you.

The FEEDUC advantage: you can specify your need for autonomy right from the1st meeting we have with you. As we are not a commercial organization, but a support organization, we don't follow up on students' requests, and each project is carried out at the student's own pace, without harassing phone calls or untimely e-mails. You can even abandon your project to study in Spain at any time, and we'll respect your decision without harassing you....and that's far from being the case with all organizations.

  • You prefer to be accompanied by an organization but then, how to choose it?

You don't have much time? Neither does your family? You are not yet sure that you understand and can express everything in Spanish (oral and written)? Your family and friends can't help you because they aren't sure enough about these specific exchanges either?

There are several organizations in France that can help you with study abroad.

Some of them have been working for many years in the accompaniment of study projects to Anglo-Saxon countries and also offer one or more universities in Spain.

Others are more recent and sometimes work on several destinations in Europe, others will offer to accompany you only for specific sectors.

How do you find your way around and how do you know who to trust with your studies in Spain?

  • A good solution is word of mouth. Talk to people around you. There is certainly someone among your friends or family who has direct or indirect experience of studying in Spain.
  • Consult the websites: some are well organized, updated with recent information, illustrated with photos and personal videos (this is a sign of the presence and therefore the knowledge of the field by the people who will be dedicated to your study project in Spain). Others will only be more or less subtle copies, made of copy and paste and by navigating from one to another with a little attention you will quickly feel the professionals who think your accompaniment according to your needs and those who are less so.
  • Check out the Facebook pages and you'll see that it's even more obvious: regular information, adapted to the time of year, or a flurry of posts in a few days to give the illusion of being full and then nothing for weeks.
  • Check out the You Tube channel, if it exists. Does it allow you to access information videos specific to the organization or does it only include promotional videos from the universities? Does it offer tutorials? Do you also find real testimonials or only professional productions?

The goal for you is to successfully determine, without getting screwed, which organization will be in the consulting business and which organization will be a more or less talented file holder.

Rather than choosing a file holder, it is better to go it alone, remember the beginning of the article: some students manage to do it perfectly. In this case, at least you will know directly where you stand without depending on anyone else. You will also gain peace of mind: no phone or e-mail harassment trying to make you believe that if you don't send back your completed application by e-mail, right now, you won't have a place. The goal of these organizations that use these methods is only to make you doubt in order to destabilize you in order to get your file back and thus be commissioned by the university.

As soon as you suspect that an organization seems to be more interested in your file than in you: run away, they might even try to send you to study at a university in an unlikely destination and of dubious quality just to make money.

The FEEDUC advantage: we specialize in studies in Spain, and our organization is the fruit of shared experience. Our constantly renewed knowledge of the field and our utmost respect for young people with a serious training project have shaped our support. Our support is organized according to the needs that we have identified and that are expressed to us on a daily basis by students who are planning to study in Spain and their families.

See you soon!

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