The reference ranking for universities in Spain


The Spanish newspaper El Mundo has published its latest ranking of the best bachelor's degrees in Spanish universities.

This ranking can be a tool in choosing your future university to study in Spain.

Rankings seek to reward excellence, research, teachers' publications, students' internationality, professors' opinions.... And, at FEEDUC, they are among the criteria we take into account when selecting our partner universities in Spain.

This is the case for ESADE in the areas of business, management and law. It is ranked in the top 5 of Spanish universities in business and law degrees. ESADE's programs are recognized not only in Spain but also internationally, where its degrees are considered among the best in Europe and the world. Choosing to study at ESADE means choosing excellence, internships in the best companies and an exceptional integration in the professional world.

Studying in Spain is also an interesting choice for a course of study in architecture, whose courses are internationally recognized and which will give you access to the best international architecture studios, particularly American. TheUniversidad Europea de Madrid is 5th in this ranking and the CEU San Pablo could also be included. In general, studying architecture in Spain is a guarantee of an excellent education based on Learning by Doing methodologies, project-based teaching, and outstanding international professors.

The Universidad Europea de Madrid and CEU San Pablo also top the rankings for physical therapy courses.

In dentistry, it is once again the Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (UAX) that is among the top 3 in Spain.

The UAX is also one of the top 5 Spanish universities for veterinary medicine.

Finally, you will note the presence of the UEM in the top 5 in STAPS (Ciencias de la Educación física) and the CEU San Pablo in nutrition and journalism (periodismo).

Is it wise for you to rely solely on this ranking?

If the university you have chosen is not in this ranking, don't worry. These rankings give you an idea, but they are not the only criteria to take into account.

Choosing a university goes beyond these rankings. Here are some criteria to consider that are specific to your situation:

  • Adaptation to the needs of the French
  • Evolution of methods and practices
  • Geographic location
  • Rates
  • Admission requirements
  • Sensations during the visit
  • ...

Your project corresponds to your different profile and your expectations and a ranking does not take it into account.

And that's one of FEEDUC's real added values: we're here to support you in a sincere approach to your interests and objectives. Our experience in the Spanish higher education sector is a factor to be taken into account, as we know the universities very well and what sometimes lies behind the results of these rankings.

It's our presence in the field that makes FEEDUC: we know what we're talking about, and we only talk about what we know.

Download El Mundo's 2018 rankingof universities in Spain

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