Go to Spain for your engineering studies

Become an engineer in Spain and work in the medical field

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Is your decision made?

Do you want to be an engineer? Then you are probably looking at the options available to you. Of course, you have the traditional preparatory schools in your country that will lead you to a reputable engineering school.

But you want to stand out? Then study at an engineering school in Spain, the country of great engineering projects: the high-speed train to Mecca, the Panama Canal, the management of German airspace, the London subway, the construction of the Lima subway... These are just a few examples of the projects in which Spanish construction and engineering companies are actively involved

Why study at an engineering school in Spain?

First, you will choose your engineering major early in your studies:

  • Civil engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Computer engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Environmental Science Engineering
  • Automotive engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • ...

These are the main branches available in our partner universities in Spain but do not hesitate to ask. Many other specialties are available.

Unlike in other European Union countries, you have to choose which engineering field you want to study when you graduate from high-school. This is a great advantage and an additional motivation.

Secondly, studying in Spain is the guarantee of a quality education recognized worldwide. Spanish engineers are present on the largest projects in the world.

But above all, it will be the best way for you to stand out and obtain professional opportunities beyond your country. This will be very useful for working in Latin America for example. But it will also be an asset for companies in the European Union looking for engineers who can manage projects in Spanish.

Choosing to study at an engineering school in Spain guarantees a degree that is recognized in Europe, the acquisition of skills that are recognized in the professional world, an international outlook and a wide range of job offers upon graduation in Spain.



For some engineering schools, you will only be able to work as an engineer once you have obtained the master's degree that qualifies you to practice the profession.

What fields of engineering are involved?

  • Industrial engineering: you can access it with the engineering degree in industrial technologies, but also the engineering degree in industrial electronics, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, energy engineering or the engineering degree in industrial organization.
  • Civil engineering
  • Engineering of bridges and roads (Ingenieria civil o de obras públicas)
  • Mining engineering
  • Agricultural engineering
  • Aeronautical engineering
  • Engineering of Waters and Forests (Ingenieria de montes)
  • Naval engineering
  • Telecommunications engineering
  • Marine engineering

This enabling Master's degree usually lasts 2 years and contains between 90ECTS and 120ECTS.

It is therefore mandatory to complete 6 years of study to obtain the title of engineer.

Our Partner Universities foran Engineering Degree in Spain

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